The town of Kawara is located in Fukuoka, Japan. Here sits Rengeji Temple, usually protecting the Kawara town as it looks out from the side of the hill. However, for one night, it turns its attention inwards, as local residents gathered in the main hall… to play board games!

The board game session is organized by EGG, a group of boardgame enthusiasts that operates within Fukuoka. They have been operating in the city in a mobile concept. Instead of a boardgame shop, EGG brings the games to events. This makes boardgames even more accessible. That is how they are bringing the gaming event to nearby towns too.
This is the second temple that EGG is collaborating with to hold a series of boardgaming sessions. Koshiro Tanaka from EGG believes that playing board games has multiple merits, like improving communication skills and thought processes. But above all, he believes that these sessions can bring people together.

Therefore, this event collaboration serves two purposes. On one hand, it is an event for nearby residents to know each other. A community is only as strong as the relationships that form within the community. So what better way to connect the locals through highly interactive games that open break ice, create conversations and open opportunities for friendships.
On the other hand, it creates the chance for residents to come in touch with the temple. Whether or not one is religious, understanding of historical and cultural presence of temples and shrines has waned in recent times. The event offers an opportunity for those unfamiliar with these sites to see what kind of place they are.
Historically, Japanese temples and shrines have always the core of local communities. These are where residents gathered to play and exchange information. With the recent developments in SDGs and the motto “leave no one behind”, temples and shrines want to contribute to the communities too. Rengeji Temple is just one of many temples taking steps to connect with the nearby communities, pushing for a sustainable community.
[Website] EGG Fukuoka Facebook group