Ogawa Town in Saitama Prefecture is located just over an hour from Ikebukuro Station via the Tobu Tojo Line. Nestled in a basin surrounded by the mountains of Outer Chichibu, it is sometimes referred to as “Little Kyoto of Musashi.” The...
The traditional craft of Urushi-nuri in Wajima City, Ishikawa, has been passed down for thousands of years. Unfortunately, many craftsmen were lost in the devastating earthquake on January 1, 2024. Despite this tragedy, their indomitable spirit...
Japan’s Ministry of the Environment has proposed a budget of 630 billion yen for the fiscal year 2025, reflecting the government’s escalating commitment to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and advancing the circular economy. The...
Yaeyama Islands Carbon-Free Farm LLC has unveiled their “Carbon-Free Farm Concept” with the launch of a new ranch operation on Ishigaki Island. It integrates environmental stewardship with agricultural practices, aiming to minimize...
Kamikatsu Town is once again drawing our attention, as its latest recognition came in the form of the “Local Impact” award at the Xtrepreneur AWARD 2024, hosted by Forbes JAPAN, for its collaboration with SPEC BioLaboratory,inc. The...
Celebrating the release of the Sustainable City Guide: TOKYO, Zenbird organized the “Tokyo’s Green Gems” event held at BIKAS COFFEE in Tokyo on 24 August. Facilitating the event was Roger, Zenbird Media’s Editor-in-Chief, sharing how the best way to...
Circular Yokohama has launched a week-long event “Port Town Yokohama Loft Sustainable WEEK,” which runs from August 28 to September 4 at Yokohama Loft. The event centers around the theme of reducing CO2 emissions through the reuse of...
On August 20, Nissan and Nippon Travel Agency launched the GREEN JOURNEY project in cooperation with tourism-related and other companies, the Ministry of the Environment, and Tohoku University, aiming to promote sustainable tourism in Japan...
“The Boyfriend,” Japan’s first same-sex romance reality series was released in July and has already attracted a large audience. Located by the ocean, nine young men lived together in the beach house for a month, where they learned romance and...
How are you coping with the summer heat? Many of you might say electric fans or air conditioners, as they are undoubtedly great technological investments. Alongside those tools, we have a portable hand fan called an “Uchiwa” in Japan. It’s still...