Ready for an unforgettable adventure? Embark on a unique journey through the enchanting landscapes of rural Japan, guided by the spirit of anime. In this column, discover how anime serves as a source of inspiration for sustainable travel. They can...
In Japan, forest accounts for around 70% of the entire land area, and the number comes third in the ranking of OECD countries, after Finland and Sweden. From the perspective of sustainability, these forests have multiple ecosystem benefits for both...
In today’s world where compassion needs to meet innovation, a Japanese company pioneers a digital map to support LGBTQ+ individuals seeking healthcare solace. Novartis Pharma launched the “Ally Map” in September, introducing...
In response to Amazon Japan’s Black Friday event tomorrow, November 24, Fridays For Future Japan Climate Justice Project will conduct demonstrations to challenge the environmental and social impacts of the retail giant’s practices. These...
A soak in warm mineral waters has been the source of relaxation across difficult cultures, whether thermal baths in continental Europe or Japanese onsen hot springs. We now know that a stroll in the nature can also be therapeutic, for both our minds...
Recently, everyday Japanese foods have undergone a transformation into sustainable beauty products in Japan. Discover the innovative intersection of traditional ingredients and modern skincare, unlocking the secrets of how these natural elements are...
The “Shugendo,” is a unique Japanese religion established in ancient times as a form of mountain worship. “Shu” represents ascetic practices and “gen” signifies realization. Practitioners engage in rigorous training in seclusion within the...
In recent times, preschool exchange has become a topic of discussion among Japanese parents. Preschool exchange refers to a service where, for a certain period, children attend a preschool while staying with their families in a specific region...
A childhood friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 27. She was single, and after surviving surgeries, chemotherapy and other treatments, she said to me: “I guess I need to give up on the idea of getting married and having...
Ever wondered how timepieces could be both stylish and sustainable? Sanyei Corporation’s “Our EARTH Project” designs its in-house developed brand, the “YOT WATCH,” a wristwatch born from toys. They created the watch by...