Some parts of Japan are renowned for experiencing heavy snowfall. As of 2023, data indicates that six cities in Japan are among the snowiest in the world. On average, Sapporo the capital city of Hokkaido, receives approximately 4.8 meters (about 191...
The crQlr Awards 2023, emphasizing circular over linear systems, action over fame, and a global perspective, have unveiled the new and rising stars who are accelerating the circular economy on the global stage. Chosen from over 140 submissions...
Recotech Inc. has announced the expansion of its innovative “pool” business, aimed at creating a sustainable model for plastic resource circulation, starting in the Kanto region. The pool business, which was developed in collaboration...
It is heartbreaking, and yet so common, to see old men in the 70s manning construction and car parking sites in Japan, waving traffic control lights in blue uniforms and apologizing to passing-by pedestrians for the inconvenience, even under the...
*This article contains affiliate links. When you’re searching for something gentle on both your skin and the earth, many of you would choose organic products. That being said, you may wonder what “organic” really means since the...
What does responsible travel really mean? It can hold different meanings for different perspectives, but when coming from the view of sustainability, we see it as similar to ethical travel. What that means responsible is about travelling in a way...
Traveling overseas is full of joy and excitement. On the other hand, you may be one of those people suffering from irregular bowel movements. Vacation constipation originates from multiple factors. However, the discomfort will be manageable if you...
Japanese cuisine can be both an appealing and challenging option for vegans. Animal-derived broth and ingredients are often used, though dishes may initially seem rich in vegetables. Sake follows a similar path, being generally vegan, though some...
*This article contains affiliate links. While exploring another country, you encounter various unique aspects, and fashion is no exception. You might be thinking of grabbing some apparel items for yourself or as gifts during your trip to Japan. For...
Navigating a career can be particularly challenging for women due to various health concerns. A primary concern is the prevalence of cancer among women, especially in those aged between their 20s and 50s. The number of female cancer patients in this...