Tokyo’s streets are set to transform into a vibrant stage for “Tokyo Creative Salon 2024,” a grand festival that amalgamates the essence of fashion and design, embracing sustainability and innovation at its core. From March 14 to...
Japanese temples and shrines have stood for hundreds of years, weathering typhoons, snowfalls and scorching heat days. The elegant clay tiles known as “kawara,” adorned with intricate decorations, have graced rooftops for 1,400 years...
Hida City, known for its lush forests and rich cultural heritage, is pioneering a novel approach to eco-tourism and conservation through its “Mori-Suke!” program. This innovative endeavor is both about preserving the environment; and...
As the 13th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster approaches, international environmental NGO Friends of the Earth (FoE) Japan is seeking public support through crowdfunding. This...
The upcoming March 8 marks International Women’s Day, a day to honor the efforts of women and reflect on their progress in the fight for equality, peace and development. It serves as a reminder to refocus attention on these critical issues...
Chilly days are still here, yet spring has already arrived on the calendar. Perhaps the warm sunshine makes more people interested in spring items. A wallet, an everyday essential, is something you may keep an eye on. Why should wallets be purchased...
Kyoto is a city where you can experience both the authentic traditions of Japan and globally modernized hospitality, known as “Omotenashi.” Discover the vibrant flavors of Japan with our guide to halal-friendly restaurants in and around...
“Womanhood in Japan” series column rounds up Japanese news related to women’s daily experiences of sexism here and considers what we can do to increase the pace of change. Japan looks to be losing tolerance for sexist comments Politician Taro Aso at...
MD Holdings, Inc., in partnership with Kyoto Tofu Fujino Co., Ltd., has unveiled a new product line that transforms tofu byproducts into a delightful snack. The companies announced the launch of “Soy Milk Okara Cookies Plain” and...
On March 8, we honor women dedicated to confronting current social norms and working to make the world a better place for women. To commemorate this significant day, numerous events are held worldwide. What is International Women’s Day? The...