Junkan Fes, a festival celebrated in Umekoji Park in Kyoto City, brings circular fashion to life and has quickly become a favorite among the young. Organized by Human Forum, the event seeks to establish a culture of reuse that captivates and...
Malt lees are the byproducts of the beer brewing process; unfortunately, these days, they are treated as industrial waste and are discarded. Yet, this was not the case in ancient Japan, where malt lees were reused in various ways. The MALT FES...
The conversation around sustainability and biodiversity is growing bigger every year, and now a unique initiative in Japan is making significant strides towards these while simultaneously championing women’s empowerment. The “WOMEN FOR...
It is unfortunate that the mention of the word “Hiroshima” conjures the dark history of nuclear bombs. Perhaps some may also recall the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. But surely Hiroshima has more to offer than just dark tourism and Itsukushima...
The Okinawan booth at the SDGs section at the Tourism Expo pointed us to their main Okinawa counterparts. Okinawa is the only one actively pushing the term “ethical travel” at the expo, a commendable move among a few others cutting the...
Many organizations will go for the low hanging fruits, trying to market themselves as socially responsible. But that often results in them ignoring their environmental responsibility. So we tuned in to look for more environmentally focused offerings...
Starting with domestic market Of course, the Tourism Expo is targetted heavily towards domestic market – for travelers interested in visiting other parts of Japan and visiting other countries. And not are ready to open to the international...
Each day there is good news about work done surrounding sustainability, especially in the roles of renewables, material circulation, decarbonization. But it is also true the planet is in a more dangerous situation than it had been in history, as...
Fashion is an intricate part of our lives. As we have seen in 10 Rs of circular economy, they are the very strategies to create circular fashion. Not only does it show us that there are many ways to make fashion sustainable, we will also see in this...
Hairdressing salons are an essential part of Japanese lifestyle, with close to 250,000 hair salons throughout the country providing skilled styling for Japan’s residents. As such, the hairdressing industry can make a significant impact on our...