When it comes to addressing environmental issues in the fashion industry, circular fashion is gaining considerable attention. Unlike the conventional practice of disposing of unwanted items, circular fashion aims to generate zero waste through...
Every March, we celebrate B Corp month. This annual global campaign aims to raise awareness of B Corporation™ and its initiatives. Harch Inc., the managing company behind Zenbird, also received B Corp™ Certification in April 2023. B Corp™...
Around this time of the year, the Sustainable Cosmetic Award annually announces the best beauty products, starting in 2019. The organization assesses the sustainability of cosmetics thoroughly, considering factors such as raw materials, CO2...
The fashion industry has long been recognized as a significant threat to the environment, mainly due to its mass production and consumption. One solution gaining traction is the concept of circular fashion. In the traditional fashion industry...
Denim is a must-have for casual style, regardless of age or gender. With a wide range of denim items to choose from, selecting the right piece can be challenging. Many consider not only the design but also durability, versatility and sustainability...
When giving a gift, it’s not only about the item itself but also about how it’s presented. In Japan, a cultural tradition involves using decorative strings known as “mizuhiki” for gifts on special occasions. Mizuhiki goes...
*This article contains affiliate links. When you’re searching for something gentle on both your skin and the earth, many of you would choose organic products. That being said, you may wonder what “organic” really means since the...
*This article contains affiliate links. While exploring another country, you encounter various unique aspects, and fashion is no exception. You might be thinking of grabbing some apparel items for yourself or as gifts during your trip to Japan. For...
How do you select your period products? It can feel overwhelming with so many options out there. As traditional period products are mostly made from plastics, they can contribute to increased carbon footprint and turn into ocean plastic pollution...
Winter is approaching, and it’s the perfect time to enjoy layering outfits! Are you in search of sustainable, stylish jackets or sweaters to keep warm? Here is a list of Japanese sustainable apparel brands offering various options for a cozy...