Do you know “Aji Stone,” also known as the “diamond of granite,” often said to be the most expensive stone in Japan? Aji Stone, produced in Aji and Mure Towns, located in the northeast of Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture...
In recent years, biodiversity has been attracting attention both in Japan and overseas. According to the Ministry of the Environment, due to the impact of human activities, the rate of extinction of species on earth is between 100 to 1,000 times...
Kimono is one of the sectors of Japanese manufacturing that has developed with the environment and people. There are various types of kimono, for example, “Meisen,” which is generally called “plain-woven silk fabric.” Meisen...
Have you ever worn clothing called “circular fashion”? In recent years, the awareness of the “circular economy” among companies and organizations and in their activities is rising. The fashion industry has been perceived as a...
In Japan, where the birth rate is declining and the population is aging, the problem of akiya (vacant houses) has become a serious issue in recent years. According to the Japanese government, the number of akiya in Japan increased by about 1.9 times...
In recent years, initiatives related to diversity have been under active discussion worldwide. In the area of design, there is a search for ways to make design easy to use for people of various backgrounds. For example, universal design is a method...
Have you ever felt silk material? There is a tendency to stay away from silk because of its expensive image. However, silk history is closely related to the Japanese, dating back to more than 2000 years ago when sericulture (the rearing of silkworms...
The world is full of things, made and thrown away in large quantities. Doubts have surfaced among an increasing number of people about such a world. In recent years, the terms “sustainability” and “ethical” have gained...
From March 18 to 21, Ecological Memes held a global online forum, “Ecological Memes Global Forum 2021”. The session featured a variety of guests who pioneered the front line, from business and art to ecology, under the theme of...
We live in an age of intensifying societal and systemic challenges, including climate change, ocean plastic pollution, and food loss. Now more people are taking action than ever, whether as citizens, entrepreneurs, or investors. Not surprisingly...