World War II had a profound and lasting impact on Japan and the rest of the world. It has been the subject of countless movies depicting various aspects of the conflict. While many of these movies focus on battles and the military side, others show...
War can have devastating impacts on people and societies and have lasting consequences. In Japan’s case, World War II was the most impactful conflict in its modern history, having profound effects on the country’s development in the decades since...
Hate speech and discrimination are problems around the world. Each country has its own approach to dealing with these issues based on its history, background and circumstances. Germany, for example, has had severe hate speech laws since the post-war...
Vegan and vegetarian diets anywhere take more effort than those including meat. This can be a matter of simply finding foods that are suitable for your dietary preferences and needs. Acceptance, tolerance and awareness are other issues that...
Climate change is worsening, and we are already feeling its effects. The need to reduce carbon emissions is higher than ever and countries such as Japan are actively pursuing plans to become carbon neutral by 2050. Global warming is mainly a...
Japan and the rest of the world are ramping up efforts to fight climate change. As part of this, Japan has just released the 6th update of its energy plan, which has an increased focus on renewable energy. Renewables are crucial for reducing carbon...
As climate change worsens and we continue to feel its impact, it is crucial to build a proper roadmap to combat the crisis. Global warming has gotten more attention, with countries worldwide making their own plans to deal with it. Japan is no...
Japan is known for its excessive plastic waste. Food products often come with more plastic packaging than in other countries. Fruits and snacks, in particular, are wrapped in layers of plastic, with individual pieces being individually plastic...
Poverty holds people back and prevents them from making the most of their lives. It blocks opportunities for individuals, families and especially children. Child poverty continues the unfortunate cycle, as many children in lower-income households...
Homelessness is a difficult situation anywhere. Many people who lose their homes have problems getting their life back on track. Far from being a problem of individual responsibility, homeless people are often those who have been laid off from their...