Tokyo, a bustling metropolis where tradition meets the future, skyscrapers juxtapose ancient temples, and where amidst the clamor, pockets of calm exist. These are not just ordinary sanctuaries but cafes that challenge the status quo, rewriting the...
While most people dread getting caught in the rain, iKasa’s Nature Innovation Group sees it as an opportunity for social and environmental transformation. The company has announced ambitious plans to eliminate disposable umbrellas from Japan...
In a move that sparked national and international outcry, the Japanese government announced plans to commence the release of ALPS-treated, albeit still contaminated, water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean as early as...
The third annual COIL Upcycle Art Contest has selected seven finalists from a pool of 100 applicants for the Grand Prix, set to be held on December 9. In a novel twist, an Audience Award will also be introduced this year, democratizing the judging...
Sustainable Food Asia (SFA) is doubling down on its mission to promote eco-friendly culinary innovation, announcing a new sustainable rice ball dish using a unique ingredient called “Umamo” developed by AlgaleX Inc. The new offering will...
This week, the bustling Marunouchi district becomes more than just a hub of commerce and skyscrapers; it transforms into a playground for sustainability. Harch Inc., a Tokyo-based web media company, is teaming up with Daimaru Yu SDGs ACT5 for a...
ANA’s international flights are introducing a unique culinary experience: the “Fruit and Spice-scented Vegan Curry.” This culinary feat, set to debut on September 1, 2023, will grace the in-flight menus of ANA’s First and Business...
Cosmetic brand SHIRO announced a fresh approach to store renewals, unveiling its revamped “SHIRO LUCUA IRE store” on September 1. This unique method revolves around two core principles: “not discarding” and “not...
A recent study in Kyoto City indicates a surprising lag in the area of sustainability. Only 23% of the city’s residents actively practice an environmentally conscious lifestyle, despite the global trend towards sustainability. The survey...
In a bustling urban jungle like Tokyo, skyscrapers and neon lights dominate the skyline, leaving little room for greenery. But that’s set to change with the latest initiative from Nihon Sales. It has unveiled its “City Farming”...