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find a clinic or physicians to be considerate of optimal health for women in Japan

3 tips to find physicians to be considerate of women’s wellness

The most important thing for women’s optimal health is to find healthcare providers who sincerely hear their voices and be close to them physically and mentally, given the complexities of female reproductive health.

Sadly, a survey shows that 44.7% of women who have never been pregnant have never visited Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ob-gyn) in Japan. Furthermore, only 14% of respondents answered they were satisfied with the experience of seeing a gynecologist, and 20% said that they were dissatisfied because medical staff did not provide empathetic consultation or support, as another survey shows.

It implies that most women have difficulties finding good physicians for themselves.

Dedicated individual support is a key to addressing women’s health issues

Many doctors of ob-gyn in Japan tend to prescribe oral contraceptive pills to patients when women suffer from menstrual-related issues. On the other hand, there are several options to address their underlying conditions and achieve their optimal health together with consideration of a whole-person approach, such as their dietary habits and lifestyle changes.

Some clinics and practitioners provide a form of preventative medicine in Japan.

How can we find considerate physicians?

A woman searching with a smartphone
The point is how we can find medical professionals to address the root cause of our issues.

As your first step, you should educate yourselves relating to your ongoing medical conditions by researching online about your symptoms and alternative medical options beyond over-the-counter birth control pills before visiting clinics so that you can have a conversation with your healthcare providers on a deeper level.

You can also look into some posts written by practitioners specialized in female wellness on social networks. As for the quest, you can search along with specific keywords: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, acupuncture, or Kampo-Japanese herbal medicine, while adding the keyword “female.”

We have the right to choose practitioners

In addition to your knowledge based on your research, there are three points you should keep in mind when you talk with medical experts to judge whether they are the right person for you.

Do they closely listen and support you, not force you into general methods?

a doctor and a patient
Women’s health issues are unique and strongly correlated with individual lifestyles. Even for painful periods, the causes vary from person to person, depending on their life stage and what risk factors are interconnected with the pains. Namely, a one-size-fits-all solution does not work.

Do they dig into the root cause instead of merely putting you on hormonal birth control pills?

Hormonal birth control pills are generally prescribed for various menstrual issues, from hormonal acne to endometriosis. It seems to be a quick and perfect medication; however, it is just a band-aid solution, and even worse, other symptoms arise due to the possible side effects.

Conversely, medical experts specialized in Kampo. For example, the prescription is always patient-centered, including initial and follow-up counseling. It would be a slow-paced effect, but it fundamentally helps you heal your bodies.

Do they introduce other healthcare providers as needed?

As above-mentioned, the range of female reproductive issues is wide. One needs improvement with only diet, but the other has to work on multiple factors besides dietary habits. Practitioners are trained in their specific areas. Hence, a doctor can’t treat all issues.

Good healthcare professionals could be willing to introduce other experts if the issue is not treated in their ranges. Thus, it would be a great idea for you to ask doctors directly if they can give you alternative methods or have partnerships with other professionals.

Let’s take back control of our health

Whenever you purchase something new, you would spend much time researching. Similarly, based on your judgments, you should do it to find the most reliable practitioners for your optional health. We should not give up on taking back control of our health because we deserve it.

[Website] Fact-finding Survey on Mental, Physical and Social Issues Surrounding Women 2022 (W society)
*Composition ratios are rounded off to the second decimal place, so totals do not always add up to 100.
[Website] Global Attitude Survey on Women’s Gynecology and Gynecological Diseases (Roche Diagnostics)
[Website] Mind-body connection: a psychosomatic approach to women’s health
[Book] The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility by Lisa Hendrickson-Jack

Written by
Yumi Arao

Yumi is passionate about women’s health and empowerment since she has experienced hormonal and period issues. She truly believes that all women should be given their own sovereignty to brighten their lives, which eventually brings a brighter future for all on earth. She loves to do yoga, biking, and simply be in nature.

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Written by Yumi Arao